Bullying, whether physical or emotional, can hit a person like a ton of bricks. I have experienced bullying, through most of primary and up until year 8 of secondary school, and that is awful - But cyber-bullying seems often to be in a league of it's own. I have not experienced cyber-bullying as social networking was getting popular just as my bullying was coming to an end.
Bullies are often described as cowards, and cyber-bullies are the most cowardly of the breed. Hiding behind their screen sending insults through cyber-space and thinking little of the consequences.The first form of cyber-bullying I witnessed today was in the comments section of an article on the Independent website. I had heard of it but only checked it out after my boyfriend blogged about it leading me to the article entitled: Going on strike is disgraceful, selfish and, quite frankly, passé, heard of it? - Well this article was written by a third year studying the same university course as my boyfriend (who is in the first year). Those commenting not only insulted Malm for having a view but insulted the course that she is studying, and those on it. These commenter's also found Malms own blog and criticised her there too. Despite disagreeing with her views, there is no need for a playground slanging match. I'd always thought of the readers of the Independent to be mature and educated, but when they call a 21-year-old student an 'ignorant twit' and liken her to Samantha Brick and the Ugandan war-lord Joseph Kony, my opinion began to waver. You can insult her writing style as much as you like, and disagree with what she is saying - yes, fair enough, that is to be expected as a journalist anyway - but do not insult the girl for saying it or object to her right to say it. Also, should it not be commended that an undergraduate has managed to be published in the Independent before even graduating - showing that clearly the course she is on is doing something right?
@ItsGailPlatt (fake imitating twitter) started the trend ... |
In the days when I was being bullied, going home I could get away from it - that is if my siblings were being nice to me that day anyway - but with the bullies now having the ability to target their victims even after school hours, there is no escaping it. I once saw a news story in which a young girl attempted suicide after her school bullies created a website - dedicated to bullying her. It was insane, making a young girls life hell for entertainment? Wrong.
I am not a devout Christian, but there is one rule I learnt during my Sunday school days which I will always live by - and that is to treat others how you wish to be treated.
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